Saturday, May 31, 2008

A Dog's Life

Jason is off on a guy's golf weekend, so mother and I took Eli & Josey up to the lake for a couple of days. Being a retriever, Josey loves swimming and playing at the lake. Two summers ago when she first started going up to our lake place, she got to where she would jump off the pier into the water. Last year, when there was no water to jump into off the pier, she mostly just played in the dry lake bed. I guess she is out of practice jumping in now, cause today she was a little timid to do so. I'm sure it won't be long before she's back at it. Enjoy this photo story of her adventures with a tennis ball:
Josey playing with the ball

Josey running down the pier, ball in mouth
Uh oh, ball fell in water. Josey contemplates jumping in...
Then she contemplates taking the stairs into the drink...Finally she decides to take the easy route, going in via the beach...
And she got her ball back!
Back to playtime!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

So cute - she loves her ball!