My girlfriend, April, just tagged me with this, so I'll play along:
A. attached or single? very attached
B. best friend? Jason
C. cake or pie? chocolate pie
D. day of choice? Saturday
E. essential item? right now it's my body pillow
F. favorite color? Yellow
G. gummy bears or worms? neither
H. hometown? born in Ozark, AL - grew up in Montgomery
I. favorite indulgence? Pedicure & Mellow Yellow
J. january or july? July, I'm a warm weather person
K. kids? 3.5
L. life isn't complete without? downtime (and my family, of course)
M. marriage date? August 14, 2004
O. oranges or apples? both
P. phobias? heights & bugs
Q. quotes? "For God so loved the world that he gave his only son so that whoever believes in him will not perish but have everlasting life". John 3:16
R. reasons to smile? when Eli lays his head on my shoulder
S. season of choice? Spring
U. unknown fact about me? I've been to the Soup Nazi in NYC, and the
guy in front of me got kicked out of line (no soup for him)
V. vegetable? I love most every vegetable
W. worst habits? Oh, I have so many...
X. x-ray or ultrasound? that is a dumb question that doesn't even make sense.
Y. your favorite food(s)? ribeye steak, anything Italian, chocolate