Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Paradise Found

Jason commented the other day that I have not posted much information about our Hawaii trip. True. I guess I just got caught up in life as soon as we got home I haven't made the time to do it. On last Wednesday night, the day after we got home, I fixed a big dinner for all of us in honor of Jason's birthday. That night, as Jason and I were lying in bed with Josey snuggled in between us with her head on my pillow and our three boys all sleeping soundly in their rooms I was overwhelmed with the sense of where paradise truly is. As wonderful as our trip was (and it WAS wonderful), nothing compares to the joy I receive from being with my family.
When I was about to graduate from UH and planned to move back to Montgomery, people would ask me, how can you leave Hawaii? But, God was leading me back home and of course now I know why. He had something far greater than the paradise of Hawaii awaiting me in Alabama!
So, sorry if I'm being corny, but my heart has been really full lately with the deep love and respect I have for my amazing husband as well as my gratitude to God for our three beautiful boys. God is good.

1 comment:

Christy said...

I know exactly what you mean!!!cdb