Thursday, October 11, 2007

Eli's New Tricks

Okay, I vowed from the start I would not be one of those mothers who brags on her kid and makes him out to be some kind of superhuman wonderbaby. You know the kind...their kids know their ABC's by 6 weeks; start walking at 3 months; and cook their own supper by 8 months. Nobody really believes the feats these mothers (and sometimes grandmothers) say their kids do, but we nod and smile and say "isn't that remarkable" all the same. No, Eli is just an average little baby who, if he weren't mine and so cute and smart, would not be extraordinary at all:) But seriously, he has been doing a lot of changing this past week so I want to share these normal developmental milestones in his life.
He's four and a half months old, I think. He's technically 19 weeks old, which to me makes him one week shy of being 20 weeks or 5 months if you count one month as four weeks, but do you go by the weeks or months? If you go by months he won't be 5 months for 3 more weeks. And, can't we as a society decide to stop saying how many months they are once they hit one year? I ask someone how old their kid is and they say "21 months" and I have to stand there for 10 minutes translating that in my head into "just under two years" because math is not my thing. Hey, let's just say the kid is "almost two" from now on. Anyway, Eli, however old he is, is moving out of the helpless blob stage and starting to earn his keep! He's rolling over from back to belly and to back again, which will be a lot more exciting when he stops flipping over onto his tummy in the middle of the night and deciding he doesn't want to be there and cries for help! He stayed with my folks last night, so they got to spend lots of quality time with him during the night flipping him over. (God bless grandparents!)
Also, I started giving him rice cereal this week. Most of it ended up on his clothes, but it was sure cute watching him try to eat. I've heard it might take a week or two for him to get used to 'eating'. Up until now he's been on a liquid-only diet. So, eating is another fun stage we're enjoying now.
Eli is a happy, funny baby and our entire family is having the best time watching him grow.

Eli Rolling Over
Eli Eating for First Time
Eli Reading...(okay, he's really just holding a book:)


Anonymous said...

How adorable. The pictures are great. I'm so glad you started a blog. Lisa's daughter, Kayleigh, goes from back to front to back also. And she sleeps better when she rolls to her tummy now. It's been fun to compare those two.

Anonymous said...

Love the pics and your entry was funny. You know they mess you up on the months thing right from the start telling you that you have a baby in 9 months :)