Eli had his first visit to the ER yesterday, and I'll skip to the end of the story first -- he is JUST FINE! He got picked up wrong and we heard a 'pop'. He immediately started crying in pain, but soon calmed down. Then it quickly became apparent that his left arm, which is usually constantly moving, was dangling limp by his side. Oh, what a pitiful sight that was, but I have to brag on my baby, he kept that sweet smile on his face in spite of it all. Jason and I took him to the Baptist South ER worried to death his arm was broken. As it turned out, his elbow had been dislocated. The doctor snapped his little 5 month old elbow back in place (yes, he screamed real loud) and sent him home. They took some x-rays just in case, but saw nothing broken. Apparently parents are pretty good at popping their babies' arms out of joint, the doctor said he sees it a lot. Hey, let's be careful out there!
Eli got a great night sleep last night (I think the codeine helped) and woke up mostly okay this morning. When he lifted his left arm to reach for his bottle I was thrilled, I said "Eli, you moved your arms, that's wonderful!" (Princess Bride quote, hope you enjoyed it). He's still favoring his left arm somewhat, but should be 100% by tomorrow.
So, our first Eli emergency is under our belt. We thank God that it was so minor and ask Him to continue to protect our family.
I am so glad to hear that he is already starting to use that arm again. You know I LOVED the Princess Bride quote(seeing how that is still one of my very favorite movies). Have a wonderful Thanksgiving. The Benton Clan will be arriving in just a few hours...so I better get back to cleaning and get off this computer. Love to you all, Christy
Bless his heart....as Mal would say!
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